Terracolina Book 1 – a two time award winner: 1st place Juvenile Fiction – Firebird Book Awards; 1st place Juvenile Science and Nature – The Bookfest Awards
“…not just a fantastical tale but also a poignant exploration of environmental issues.”
“…a world of enchanting creatures and plants…brought out the inner child in myself.”
“…a captivating exploration of self-discovery and the magical allure of newfound worlds.”
“…a wonderful story of magic, and the chaos threatening to destroy it.”
“Read it to school children of younger than reading age. They will love it!”
“Reminded me of Tom Bambodil from Lord of the Rings.”
“Any book that keeps my kids’ attention is definitely a 5 star for me.”
“Reminded me of
JUST PUBLISHED – BOOK 2 of the Terracolina Trilogy –